Todd Beaudet
Atlantic Ambulance
Todd has been in EMS for the past 26 years as an EMT serving the City of Lynn—a City that he is absolutely attached to. His ability to treat all patients with respect, no matter how disrespectful they may become is astonishing.
On April 3, 2020, Todd was rushed to the hospital by his co-workers for difficulty breathing. It turns out that Todd was COVID positive and that he contracted COVID through one of his patients a week earlier. Todd was on a ventilator for 42 days, and then in a Rehabilitation Hospital for another 46 days. Todd has not fully recovered from this illness and will not be able to work on the road in a position that he is absolutely committed to.
Did Todd give up? The answer to that question is no, he is not giving up. Todd is happy to be alive to be able to spend time with his family, and he will be returning to EMS in June as a full time Dispatcher. If you ask Todd, he is grateful for the opportunity to return into any role in EMS. This outlook on life, especially after what he has been through, is not a trait found in many individuals. Todd is truly one of the best EMS has ever experienced.